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OpenStack Grizzly - Swift - How to use
This example configures Swift like follows.
This example shows to use Swift Storage from a Client Machine. (it's the one below)
     +------------+            |            +-----------+
     |  Auth Node |   ||   Proxy   |
     | (Keystone) |------------+------------|    Node   |
     +------------+            |            +-----------+             +----------+
                               |                   |  Client  |
      +------------------------+-----------------------+--------------|  Machine |
      |                        |                       |              +----------+
      |               |              |
+-----------+            +-----------+           +-----------+
|  Storage  |            |  Storage  |           |  Storage  |
|   Node1   |------------|   Node2   |-----------|   Node3   |
+-----------+            +-----------+           +-----------+

[1] Add a user for using Swift in Keystone Authentication Node.
By the way, if you'd like to use Swift Quickly, it's unnecessarry to add a new user, it's posibble to use with a admin or swift user in Keystone.
# add swiftservice tenant

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
keystone tenant-create --name swiftservice --description "Swift Users Tenant" --enabled true

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |        Swift Users Tenant        |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | c2ca7fce1e61436db8c45a863ef996a8 |
|     name    |           swiftservice           |

# add swiftoperator role

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
keystone role-create --name swiftoperator

| Property |              Value               |
|    id    | 830dd316ec8843abb8c7b6333e2c85e8 |
|   name   |          swiftoperator           |

# add a user

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
keystone user-create --tenant_id c2ca7fce1e61436db8c45a863ef996a8 --name user01 --pass userpassword --enabled true

| Property |              Value               |
|  email   |                                  |
| enabled  |               True               |
|    id    | 46fc6e8a25944e169c9af8a5af3a9b48 |
|   name   |              user01              |
| tenantId | c2ca7fce1e61436db8c45a863ef996a8 |

# add the user above in swiftoperator role

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
keystone user-role-add --user-id 46fc6e8a25944e169c9af8a5af3a9b48 --tenant_id c2ca7fce1e61436db8c45a863ef996a8 --role-id 830dd316ec8843abb8c7b6333e2c85e8

[2] This is Client's settings.
Install Keystoneclient, Swiftclient first.
# install from EPEL OpenStack, EPEL

[root@client ~]#
yum --enablerepo=epel-openstack-grizzly,epel -y install python-keystoneclient python-swiftclient
[3] Load environment variables first. ( it's just the value for a user added in [1] )
[root@client ~]#
vi ~/keystonerc_swift
export OS_USERNAME=user01
export OS_PASSWORD=userpassword
export OS_TENANT_NAME=swiftservice
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export PS1='[\u@\h \W(swift)]\$ '
[root@client ~]#
chmod 600 ~/keystonerc_swift

[root@client ~]#
source ~/keystonerc_swift

[root@client ~(swift)]#
echo "source ~/keystonerc_swift " >> ~/.bash_profile
# show status

[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift stat

   Account: AUTH_a8940116012e4a76af6ead65c7782917
Containers: 0
   Objects: 0
     Bytes: 0
Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Timestamp: 1377324651.88598
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
[4] Create a Container for files.
[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift post test_container

[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift list

# created

[5] Upload a file in local to a Container.
# upload test.txt

[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift upload test_container test.txt

[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift list test_container

# uploaded

[6] Download a file from Swift Storage to local.
# remove a file

[root@client ~(swift)]#
rm test.txt
[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift download test_container test.txt

test.txt [headers 0.173s, total 0.174s, 0.000s MB/s]
[root@client ~(swift)]#
total 44
-rw-------. 1 root root  1047 May 20 23:21 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  9169 May 20 23:21 install.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  3161 May 20 23:20 install.log.syslog
-rw-------  1 root root   172 Aug 24 15:16 keystonerc_swift
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    19 Aug 24 15:25 test.txt
[7] Delere a file on Storage.
[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift delete test_container test.txt

[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift list test_container

# deleted (test.txt)

[8] Delete a Container on Storage.
[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift delete test_container

[root@client ~(swift)]#
swift list

# deleted
